Monday, 5 October 2015

In which I intend to work Thirty-one Days of Magic

Bob the Skull having more than a little fun with the last few Calendula blooms.
A recent post from Velma Nightshade (one half of the fabulous duo responsible for the podcast Inciting a Brew-ha-ha and the Chief Witch of Magickal Miscellany online shop) piqued my interest.  In it she suggested getting witchy with thirty one days of magic this October.

Of course, I am late to the party.  For which I would humbly apologise, but hell, I’m not sorry.  I’ve decided not to regret things.

Every day must have something woo-woo in.  Whether it is getting back into daily devotions, divination, spellwork, meditation, research – anything woo-woo related is fine.

So it may be the 5th of October, and my thirty-one days is either going to be only twenty-six days, or I’m going to run into November, but here we go.

It’s Monday.  Moonday.  A day of beginnings (it’s the start of my working week, the beginning of the school week for the Witchlets). The moon’s silvery reflected light glimmers and shows us illusions.  Or perhaps it shows us a different way of looking at a situation.  A perfect time for divination.

I have decided to forgo Tarot cards for the time being.  I have been wanting to use cartomancy for quite some time, and as I have a brand-new-never-used-knew-it-would-come-in-useful-for-something pack just hanging around on the bookcase, I’m going to have a go.  The indomitable Cory Hutcheson has written a wonderful book called 54 Devils – The Art & Folklore of Fortune-telling with Playing Cards, and it’s going to be my guide as I plunge, fairly helpless, into this rather compelling art.

Check back tomorrow, and I’ll have an update on my first night of Witchy-Woo-Woo October!

1 comment:

  1. I love your picture, and I'm not just saying that because I painted the item in it *cough*.
